Parents Association


KTCS Parents’ Association Committee Members 2022/2023:

Chairperson - Tracie Patel Vice Chair - Edel Cummins
Secretary - Liz Houlihan Vice Secretary - Sinead Hanbury
Treasurer - Natasha McLoughlin Vice Treasurer - Joeleen Deering
PRO - Jackie Aungier Vice Pro - Bernadette Prendergast


Follow us on:

Facebook: KTCS Parents' Association

Twitter: @KtcsTown

As a parent/guardian of a child in KTCS you are automatically part of the Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association works with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school. And to create a fun, educational and collaborative culture within KTCS.

Playing an active role in the school allows you to understand the running of KTCS and research has shown that when parents are involved in their child’s education life their children achieve positive outcomes through their school years. It’s also a great way to meet other parents/guardians. We encourage you to get involved in any way you can, whenever you can. Life is busy but the rewards of helping out are huge.

The role of the Parents’ Association is set down in the Education Act 1998 as follows:
A Parents’ Association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the Board, Principal, Teachers and Students.

The Education Act also sets out two broad tasks for a Parents’ Association which are:
· To advise the Principal or the Board on matters relating to the school
· To adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the Principal.

Watch this space for news on upcoming events and how you can help out!

Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2024 Kildare Town Community School