Please click on the link for the recent 1st and 2nd year parental Zoom call.
Zoom call Thursday 4th March

NOTE – With the introduction of the new Junior Cycle Framework changes to the following may result.
Currently all pupils study the following core subjects:
Irish (unless exempt by the DES under the terms of Circular Letter M10/94)
Religious Education
SPHE (Non Examination)
Physical Education (Non Examination)
In addition pupils:
Choose either French or Spanish
Pupils also study two option subjects from the following list:
(Student preferences are met where possible, however this may not be possible in all cases.)
Business Studies
Home Economics
Materials Technology Wood (Woodwork)
Materials Technology Metal (Metalwork)
Technical Graphics
Further Information
New Junior Cycle
The Following leaflets provide valuable information for parents of Junior Cycle students:
Ongoing Assessment and Reporting.pdf
JCycle information for parents-post-primary.pdf
Ongoing-assessement-reporting-poster (1).pdf
Please click on the images and links below to find out information about the new Junior Cycle
The 2020/21 CBA timetable for 2nd years can be found here Draft CBA timetable2020/21.pdf

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement
This replaces the old Junior Certificate that
students received in September.
Click on the image above to see a sample JCPA.
Classroom Based Assessment
Classroom based assessment that takes place
in 2nd and 3rd Year. Click on the image above to see more about CBAs.
Further Information

Other Areas of Learning
3-5 statements of learning that will appear
on the JCPA. These are linked to the statements
of learning & key skills of the Junior Cycle.
Subject Learning & Assessment Review
Subject Departments meet to review their student's CBA's.

Further Information

Key Skills of the Junior Cycle
The new Junior Cycle aims to help learners develop 8 key skills. These key skills are embedded in the teaching and planning of each subject.
Statements of learning
These Statements of Learning will be linked directly with course content in each subject. Click on the links below for examples. English | Business | Science

Further Information
Further Information

Further Information

Further Information
Junior Cert Physical Education
There are four strands, each focusing on learning in different physical activity areas: Physical activity for health and well-being. Games, Individual and team challenges, Dance and Gymnastics. PE contributes to the Wellbeing student programme by providing learning experiences which support students in being better able and more motivated to include regular physical activity in their lives
Below is the Junior Cycle Short Course in Physical Education
Currently, our 2nd and 3rd-year students are completing their CBAs in Sprinting. Best of luck to all students involved.