

Our book lists on the website are available in PDF format to provide for easier reading and printing offline. PDF documents on this site require Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded here: Adobe Acrobat Reader

2024/2025 Booklists

2024-2025 1st year booklist

2024-2025 2nd year booklist

2024-2025 3rd year booklist

2024-2025 5th year booklist

2024-2025 6th year booklist

Leaving Cert Applied Booklist

You do not need to purchase any books as teachers will provide notes etc. and the school will provide books. Can students please ensure they have an A4 Folder and A4 hardback copy for each subject. They should have a well stacked pencil case to include Pens, Eraser, Pencil Sharpener, 30cm Ruler, 1 Pack of colouring Pencils and a calculator.

Transition Year Booklist

You do not need to purchase any books as teachers will provide notes etc. but can students please ensure they have an A4 Folder and A4 hardback copy for each subject. They should have a well stacked pencil case to include Pens, Eraser, Pencil Sharpener, 30cm Ruler, 1 Pack of colouring Pencils and a calculator.

This reflective journal is part of their TY assessment that they must work on throughout the year.

Please note LCA and TY student letters are posted out with details of what is required.

Please note all subjects require hardback copies at Senior Cycle

Please note 6th years need Exam papers for all subjects.

Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School