Educational Guidance


Guidance is available for all students of KTCS. The Guidance Counsellor’s Office and the Student Career Library for research and enterprise are located on the first floor beside the library. The Guidance Lobby is the focal point for careers information and the photographs of past pupils who are now attending a wide variety of colleges and universities. All Guidance events are advertised on the School's Guidance Twitter Page #ktcscareers and on the Guidance section of the school website.

Guidance can help you with Personal concerns such as social issues, issues with friends and family, making decisions, coping with worry, managing stress.

Guidance is available to help you with Educational decisions such as choosing subjects, choosing levels, study skills, exam techniques, meeting college entry requirements, points.

The Guidance Counsellor can help you with your Vocational journey and your Career choices by giving information and advising you on aptitude/abilities tests, interest & personality tests, work experience, interviews, CV preparation, employment, apprenticeships, third level application, CAO, PLC, UCAS, EUNICAS, Access, Grants, Scholarships.

The Guidance Counsellor arranges Ability testing (1st & 3rd years), College tours (TY & 6th years), Career seminars (TY & 6th years), College presentations (senior cycle), Skills at work Kildare Village programme (LCA & 5th years), Mock Interviews, Career presentations (Senior cycle), Career Competitions (TY & 5th), Student achievement awards (3rd & 6th years), Study skills (3rd & 6th years), STEM / Engineering events (senior cycle), Personal development seminars (all years), College Awareness week events (all events), Community Events (Senior cycle).

  • Junior cycle Guidance is taught through the Wellbeing/SPHE course.
  • Transition years have a Guidance module.
  • Senior cycle classes have careers information delivered either in class or at Assembly.
  • All 6th years are given Vocational Guidance interviews.
  • All 3rd years & TY students are met for Educational Guidance interviews prior to choosing courses and subjects at senior cycle.
  • Any student in the school can make an appointment with the Guidance Counsellor for personal, educational or vocational decisions.

To make an appointment with the Guidance Counsellor (Ms. Urell) as follows:

  1. Place your name on the appointment slip provided in the red plastic box attached to the wall of the Guidance lobby (or on any piece of paper) and post it in the Guidance letterbox.
  2. An appointment slip will be given to you by the Guidance Counsellor or placed in the blue pouch on the Guidance noticeboard for collection.
  3. On the date and time shown, give this appointment slip to your subject teacher and go to the Guidance office for your appointment.
  4. A follow-up appointment will be made for you, if required. All matters are treated confidentially unless it is necessary to inform another adult to ensure your personal safety.

If any student or parent/guardian wishes to discuss any aspect of the KTCS guidance service, they can email the guidance counsellor at or

The Guidance Counselling Service is made available by the School for all students’ benefit. I look forward to working with you throughout your educational journey here in KTCS.

Elizabeth Urell.

Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School