Leaving Certificate Applied


Welcome to the home of Leaving Cert Applied in Kildare Town Community School. Please scroll down to see what the programme is all about. I want to commend our current LCA students. They are an excellent bunch who have excelled in many areas in the school community. Many of these students have told me they enjoy attending school and feel valued. I want to assure the students, their parents, and guardians that we have a great staff in KTCS who will do our best to try and help you reach your potential.

Well done to the class of 2022 students in LCA. 11 of last year's LCA 2 students, seven got the highest award possible, a Distinction. Nearly all students have gone straight into work or are going on to Further Education. Thank you to all the school staff involved.

25-10-22: The state exams sent the report of credits awarded to each student in the current LCA 2 class from last year. There are some excellent results so far. Well done to those students.

Leaving Cert Applied 2022-2023

It’s a two-year Leaving Certificate practical programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. It encourages achievement through a practical approach to subjects and continuous assessment.
❖ Work experience is a significant component of the programme, and students get to sample a range of jobs and get first-hand experience in the world of work.
❖ There is less emphasis on the final examinations as coursework is assessed throughout the two-year programme, and 66% of the assessment is completed before the final exams.
❖ Student assessment varies from interviews, written, oral and practical components.
❖ Every term, students get a statement of their results from the State Examinations Commission.

Who is it suitable for?
❖ Students who have ambitions to go straight into work after school
❖ Students who find the pressure of everything resting on one final written exam too stressful
❖ Students not intending to go on to an Institute of Technology or University immediately but who do not want to rule it out as an option in the future
❖ Students who enjoy project work and attend school regularly (90% attendance is required)
❖ Students who are motivated by continuous assessment over the two-year programme
❖ Students who want to get work experience to help them decide on their future career
❖ Students who prefer a practical/ hands-on approach to learning

For any students and Parents/ Guardians who would like to know more about Leaving cert Applied in Kildare Town Community School, please have a look at the two videos below:

Information on Leaving Cert Applied Programme - https://youtu.be/Wil9CzBHF4c

Student video - https://youtu.be/q3J-DzaR694

Parents info video: LCA 2023.pptx.pdf

The Link below is a detailed written summary of what the LCA programme consists of in KTCS and the many benefits that it can have for students.

LCA Information sheet

Application to Leaving Cert Applied in Kildare Town Community School (KTCS)
If interested, you must fill out an application form after Christmas. The LCA Admission Policy can be found below. Good attendance and behaviour are essential, along with participating positively inside and outside class.

For any 3rd or TY student looking to apply for LCA, the application form and admissions policy can be found in the links below.


LCA admissions Policy.pdf

Fee: The LCA Fee is €200 for both 5th and 6th year LCA. Students entering 5th year LCA must pay the full €200 before starting the school year. They do not have to pay anything in 6th year.

Assessment and examinations
Completion of modules - 62 credits (31%): There are four sessions over the two-year programme. Credits are awarded at the end of each session for completing key assignments and achieving 90% attendance.
7 Student Tasks 70 credits (35%): Credits are awarded for Tasks (major projects). These are assessed during an interview by external examiners appointed by the Department of Education and Skills.

Final Examinations 68 credits (34%): These take place in June of 6 th Year with the other Certificate Examinations:
❖ English and Communication, Mathematical Applications, Social Education
❖ Two vocational specialisms: Current 6 th year, Hair & Beauty or Engineering and Hotel Catering Tourism
❖ Language (Modern Foreign Language in either 5th Year and Irish in 6th Year or vice versa) There are oral examinations in all languages (English and Communications, Spanish in 5th year and Irish in 6th Year). There are practical examinations in the vocational specialisms, e.g. Hair and Beauty, Engineering etc.
Total Marks: 200 credits (100%)

What certificate is awarded? The certificate is awarded at three levels:
Pass 60-69% (120-139) Merit 70-84% (140-169) Distinction 85-100% (170-200 credits)
Candidates who get less than 60% (120 credits) or who do not complete the course are awarded a record of experience.

Do Leaving Certificate Applied students receive a Leaving Certificate?
Yes. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a Leaving Certificate from the State Examinations Commission.

Career Opportunities after completing LCA?
You can go on to a very wide range of Post-Leaving Certificate courses (PLCs) and then become eligible for admission to some third-level courses in the Institutes of Technology and in Universities. Students with the Leaving Certificate Applied can also go on to apprenticeship programmes. Many
students go directly to employment in Hair and Beauty, the Army, the police force etc. Students who completed the programme now work in services and sales, manufacturing and mining industries, building and construction, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, commerce, finance and public services. Jobs range from preschool teachers to Trainee Garda. A large number of graduates became apprentices in the areas of construction, motor, engineering and carpentry/ furniture.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Frank O’Sullivan

Programme Coordinator

Below are some pictures of our current LCA students from the trips they have already been on this school year.



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Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School